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Frequently Asked Questions


  • What is Coaching?
    Since the 1800’s coaching has been known as a form of development in which an experienced person, called a Coach, supports a learner or client (think musician, opera singer or athlete back then) in achieving a specific personal or professional goal by providing training and guidance. Coaching developed more globally during the late 1970’s and the early 1980’s with key roots being in sport, leadership, psychology, and the personal development movement. It is now recognised by successful entrepreneurs, leaders and go-getters as the #1 vehicle to accelerate success.
  • What style of coaching is Transformational Coaching (TC)?
    TC evolved from the more traditional Transactional style of coaching, which focuses on using external mechanisms to advise clients how to solve problems. TC borrows a little of those mechanisms but works more so on a profound and internal level to foster self-discovery in which the client begins to experience inner shifts. This brings about change that is far more sustainable. Through artful and skilled enquiry, self-awareness and perceptions are raised, values are uncovered, limiting beliefs and blind spots are identified which inhibit the client’s ability to move forward. The proverb ‘Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime’ explains the difference in these coaching styles beautifully. TC focusses on what is positive and possible for the future. It clears the debris and opens up your internal highways.
  • What is Transformational Coaching not?
    TC is not therapy, counselling, consulting or mentoring. TC works in the field of mental development rather than in the field of mental repair (therapy and counselling), or advisory (consulting and mentoring). TC is not a substitute for professional medical advice.
  • What are the best qualities to look for in a Coach?
    Choosing the right coach can be a difficult process, but I hope this website has made your search a little easier. It is important that the Coach you decide on is experienced, qualified and professional. I have invested heavily in my development as a professional coach, including certification recognised by the International Coaching Federation (ICF) the largest governing body in the world for professional coaches. This means I adhere to their standards and ethics which puts you in very capable and safe hands. A professional coach will hold space for you and honour your aspirations and create a non-judgemental environment in which to do so. Choosing the right Coach is often a heart job rather than a head job, so always trust your intuition when making your final choice.
  • Do you only coach entrepreneurs and business owners?
    Not at all. I work with any individual who is seeking change or expansion in their life through exploring their potential.
  • How will I know if I am ready for coaching?
    Not everyone reaches the moment of realisation that coaching is what they need. In fact some will even see this choice as weakness. This mindset is usually coupled with a total reliance on fixed abilities to react to whatever life throws up and any effort necessary to expand abilities is seen as failure. And for others, while their environment will allow for it, are quite happy to exist for as long as possible within the unsustainable and false comfort of blame, excuses and denial. Conversely, when you are operating from a growth mindset, you understand that effort and commitment is required to move you towards your aspirations. And you are ready for coaching when all of a sudden you develop a knowing and understanding that you will benefit from ‘someone’(beyond a book, TED Talk or podcast) to CONNECT WITH in order to move you forward. Another clue may be that your inability to manage problems and stress may be negatively impacting your relationships with your partner, family and friends. You lean on them more, or you begin to shut down and withdraw as coping mechanisms. As much as they love and support you and want to help, they often do not have the capacity or skillset to help you emerge. For others, life may be going along fine, but there still exists a feeling that there is more in their ‘tank’ which requires discovery and utilisation. They have awareness of their strengths and challenges and understand interdependence is a key to maximising potential.
  • What outcomes should I expect from working with you?
    After our first session my clients usually say how much lighter they feel. There is also relief as they realise that they are not alone and are with someone who understands them. Being able to talk freely in an environment where there is no judgement and to feel truly listened too is an empowering experience. Self-awareness heightens, and energy, confidence, clarity, direction, and ultimately achievement are amongst the positive outcomes of our interactions. Business owners find great value and comfort in my empathy, calmness, knowledge and wisdom. We can usually get to the heart of the matter more quickly as I have a very developed handle on the emotion or feelings that generally accompany multiple and complex problems that exist daily within small to medium business.
  • What if I start and find it’s just not for me?
    In the unlikely event that our free 30 minute discovery session didn’t do its job, then that is totally fine. We finish up, no questions asked from my end (unless you want to share) and we both move on. You are always in the driver’s seat.
  • How long will we need to work together?
    The term of our work can be 1, 2, 3, 6, 12 months or longer. What matters is consistency. For example, 1 session a week for one month can be impactful, as can 1 session per month for a year. If we are working for a longer period sometimes it is helpful to do more work at the beginning and then drop back to a lesser frequency for the remainder. I am flexible and accommodating and realise that life events and other priorities can arise, but I encourage my clients to remain as consistent as possible to achieve the best results and the most bang for their buck. Consistency is the key to gaining momentum and results.
  • How much do you cost?
    For coach, mentor, and advisory services I have not included my rates on this site as I wish to remain flexible to the needs of my clients. I do have a competitive hourly base rate for short term work, and this alters if I enter long term work with a loyal client. Or if a client’s needs offer me a challenge which I find attractive for my growth, or it tugs my heartstrings, but they are not fully resourced I reserve the right to consider the work and may offer a reduced investment. Extended DISC Profiling, facilitating, training and guest speaking will be quoted according to need. For Kiwi clients: I am a registered provider with the Regional Business Partner Network so you may qualify for Government subsidy for some of my work.
  • How can I pay?
    A Tax Invoice will be issued, and payment is required in advance of each session. Payment can be made directly to my bank or via credit card (Visa, Mastercard, American Express) which incurs a 2.9% surcharge. I am open to negotiating other terms if necessary.
  • How do we connect for our sessions?
    My office is situated in Amberley, North Canterbury (35 minutes north of Christchurch), and of course all sessions wherever you are in the world are available via Zoom. I travel around Canterbury and to Marlborough regularly so am happy to factor in a one-to-one session at your place or an agreed location if it works within any of my scheduled travels. I am happy to travel to any location at the expense of the client.
  • Where to from here?
    Connect with me via this website by email or text to book in a free no-obligation 30 minute discovery call. We will discuss what you are looking for and you can ask me as many questions as you like. From there I will put together a proposal for your consideration.
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